Life bants

Why I hate your church

Dear religious faithfuls, I am hoping my message meets you in peace and good health. I would be educating you as I have been educating my 10year old sister for years. Since your churches and mosques have failed to teach you, I would lazily take it upon myself to do so. I know at this… Continue reading Why I hate your church

Life bants

Challenging social norms II: Unimportance of patriarchal religion in marriage

This piece is a an attempt to further explain, “Importance of Patriachal religion in marriage”. It got quiet engaging with James Carter in the comment section, I was made aware of the points that I failed to poach in that topic and I tried to explain what preempted me to cut through the angle that… Continue reading Challenging social norms II: Unimportance of patriarchal religion in marriage

Life bants

Challenging social norms: Importance of patriarchal religion in marriage

Religion has always been a prominent stakeholder in personal and family life. Seeking to bring together and in other cases pull apart. Some families identify with the notion that by attending the same religious organization family ties are tightened. This notion may ring true as as an avenue to tighten family bond in certain cases… Continue reading Challenging social norms: Importance of patriarchal religion in marriage

Book Review

The terror began when it ended: A review of Easy Motion Tourist by Leye Adenle

After completing the heart-wrenching novel, Easy Motion Tourist by Leye Adenle, I am left wondering what would happen next that is if something is supposed to happen next. I half expected Leye to tell us to await another part of the book but I do hope there is another part of the book. The book… Continue reading The terror began when it ended: A review of Easy Motion Tourist by Leye Adenle

Conversations · Life bants

New year resolutions or Goals?

According to Wikipedia, a new year’s resolution is a tradition, most common in the Western Hemisphere but also in the Eastern Hemisphere, in which a person resolves to changed an undesired trait or behaviour. It’s an age-long tradition and its that time of the year again when people make a list of all the things… Continue reading New year resolutions or Goals?

Conversations · Life bants

Chimananda Ngozi Adiche writes on her type of feminism

I would not want to labour your mind with more words by adding to this piece by Chimanada Adiche titled, DEAR IJEAWELE, OR A FEMINIST MANIFESTO IN FIFTEEN SUGGESTIONS. This should quiet the arguement a in some quarters when Chimanada said ‘Beyoncé feminism is not her type of feminism’. I learnt so much from this… Continue reading Chimananda Ngozi Adiche writes on her type of feminism

Conversations · Life bants

International Podcast Day!

  Today is International Podcast Day (Can I hear what does that have to do with me? Everything!), it is dedicated to promoting podcasting worldwide through educational and public engagement. Podcast is about igniting and continuity of conversation which is what I am all about. It’s the new medium for broadcasting. I am not a… Continue reading International Podcast Day!

Life bants

Much ado about nothing – Gender reassignment

The term transgender is used to refer to individual who undergoes gender reassignment (would have said switch bodies but I learnt that is offensive) like a male who becomes a female and vice versa. They undergo surgeries and hormonal alteration induced by drugs and injections. It’s a process, a rather complicated one at that. Female… Continue reading Much ado about nothing – Gender reassignment